ExecQuery ( "Select * from Win32_BIOS", 48 ) For Each objItem in colItems strSerial = objItem. Try again." goodFlag = 0 Exit For else goodFlag = 1 end if Next loop 'use WMI to pull serial number Set objWMIService = GetObject ( "winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2" ) Set colItems = objWMIService.

Quit end if 'loop through invalidInput array to check input for invalid characters For i = 0 To UBound ( invalidInput ) if InStr ( strComputer, invalidInput ( i )) > 0 then Wscript. 'Compiled and written by Justin Marks 'Last Modified on 'Community Action Southwest 'objShell.Popup taken from the Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog 'Most of the rest of the script was ripped from other online sources 'flag variable goodFlag = 0 'constants for the objShell.Popup at the bottom of the script Const OK_BUTTON = 0 Const AUTO_DISMISS = 0 'set command for objShell.Popup Set objShell = CreateObject ( "Wscript.Shell" ) 'variable for invalid characters Dim invalidInput 'fill variable up as array, values being each character, space delimited invalidInput = Split ( "! # $ % ^ & * ( ), / ? \ | = + ~ ` : '" ) 'loop while flag is good Do while goodFlag = 0 'input box strComputer = InputBox ( "Enter IP Address or FQDN of a computer: ", "Dell Tag Reader", "localhost" ) 'cancel button quits the script if strComputer = False Then WScript.